
Tilling the Sacred Soil of Sorrow…Tools for Living Joyfully from a Broken-Open Heart

If you or someone you love needs hope and help moving through their grief, this book offers tools for both hope and healing. The sacred soil of sorrow can be rich with blessings, but only if you use it to grow. If you are willing to embrace your broken-open heart, you’ll find wholeness, joy, and laughter await you. You will be lifted into a state of grace and gratitude which may seem impossible and out of reach at the beginning of the journey. Build a new normal—one in which you happily share stories of your loved one who has passed—a world where painful triggers have been reset into treasures, and forgiveness is possible. Embrace your broken-open heart. Build a world in which you are feeling grateful, engaged, ready to contribute and make a difference for others on this path.

From Grief to Grace…A Mother’s Journey

On July, 25, 2013, Robyn DeLong’s youngest son Resh Michael Ortego, age 36, was killed in a tragic auto accident. This is her story of moving from grief to grace, of learning to find the good in unspeakable sorrow, and of finding ways to stay centered and sane when the world shocked her with unwanted changes. Robyn quickly discovered how to stay connected to her son and believes this ability to tune into departed loved ones can be learned and is a key to moving through grief. This is a message of hope and love and healing for anyone dealing with the death of a loved one.

Books by Robyn DeLong

Moments of Stillness

Moments of stillness, of inspiration, of awe and wonder, of reverence–often fleeting but always worth capturing. These poems reflect those moments when Robyn took the next step and pinned them with her pen into her journal. She says, “So many moments have gone unnoticed, or if noticed, unrecorded. The ones in this book left their imprint on my soul and I had to share.”
