The Michael Code

A Key to Accessing your Genetic Neural Healing Network

You and I are Designed to Heal

We come with a genetic roadmap built in—a healing network that we have access to at all times, no matter how stressful, no matter how scary, no matter how painful the circumstances.

Downloaded in a Song

What is The Michael Code? It was downloaded in a song and revealed to me as a gift from my son to help me heal and to pass along to others. Let me tell you the full story.

My son, Michael, wrote a beautiful song just a few months before his death. Although as a musician, he had written many songs over the years, he had never before written one about angels. This one, When Angels Whisper,” came to him when he agreed to put words to a melody given to him by Stu, a dear fellow musician and collaborator.

Today I wrote a song and cried

On January 15, 2013, Michael posted on Facebook, “Today I wrote a song and cried.” When he played it that night for Stu, they both cried. Stu hadn’t told him that the melody had been written to honor his niece who had just passed. Stu just handed Michael the musical score and said, “Here’s something I wrote. See what you can do with it.”

I remember Michael calling me into his room to hear the song just after he’d finished writing it. He picked it out on his guitar and sang it for me. It was beautiful. I had no idea how much I would come to treasure its message.

I wept as I listened

Sadly, the first time I heard a full recording of the song was six months later, just two days after Michael’s death. I wept as I listened to his beautiful voice and his promise to me in the lyrics, “I’ll meet you at the end of the rainbow.” He sings of angels whispering to us in love songs, and that we just need to listen in and hear. He tells us that heaven is in us and everywhere, and that we have guardians always with us and watching over us. We just need to trust.

Have you ever heard an angel whisper?

We played the song at his memorial service. Here are just some of the lyrics.

“Have you ever heard an angel whisper? It’s easy, if you just open your ear. Suddenly she’s right there by your side if you should listen in and hear. Have you ever felt your guardians watching? Don’t you know they’ll always be right there? All you have to do is trust and heaven is in you and everywhere.

“I’ll meet you at the end of the rainbow, I promise you this. Anytime the rain comes storming, I’m there, you can’t miss. So, fill your life up full of joy and laughter. Laughter is a very vital thing. Listen to your angels, they know why you’re here and what you’ve come to bring.”

More than a Personal Promise to his Mom

Only later did I realize his words were far more than just a personal promise to me, they are a code for connecting to our higher self and for healing.

I now call his words The Michael Code. When he says, “I’ll meet you at the end of the rainbow, I promise you this,” I understand that he is not referring to some future place but rather telling me that the key to connecting with him and with healing is available right now, in the higher realms of consciousness and energy.

An energetic place always available

It’s an energetic place available to us even when the rain comes storming. I am convinced his higher self was downloading this song through him, and it’s just one of the many ways messages come through to us from the spiritual realm.

A Roadmap to our Personal Neural Healing Network

The Michael Code provides both a foundation and a roadmap for accessing our built-in neural healing network. As we learn the emotional signals of our own neural network, we are able to recognize when we are in an expansive or contractive state, whether we are resisting or embracing, whether we are open or closed, protective or curious, fear-filled or joy-filled, and we can learn how to harness and engage our natural healing energies.

We Can Become Conscious Choosers

We can discover how to live joyfully from our broken-open heart, use our grief to grow, and become conscious choosers of our thoughts, words, and actions. When we learn to consciously use this sacred spiral of transformation, it will lead us to wholeness and peace of mind.

All of us have access to this quiet, still, safe place of connection to our higher self. We find it at the end of our neural rainbow (spectrum), or chakra system. This higher functioning part of our brain correlates to the top four chakras, moving up from the heart (green), to our throat communication (blue), then our third eye of intuition and knowing (purple), and finally our crown connection to our angel thoughts (violet).

Immune Boosting Hormones

When we are tuned into these higher realms, our hearts open, we connect to our intuition or higher self, and our brain is dosing us with the feel-good, immune-boosting hormones of serotonin and oxytocin. When we are in the lower reptilian brain, we are in survival mode, in our lower chakras, in the red, orange, and yellow zone of flight, fight, freeze and we are being dosed with the stress hormones of cortisol and adrenalin.

Joy and Laughter

Michael’s Code continues with “Fill your life up full with joy and laughter. Laughter is a very vital thing.” He is directing us to “Listen to your angels” (our higher thoughts) because “They know why we’re here and what we came to bring.” When we tune in, we are in touch with our purpose.

The Code is a guide not only for moving through grief, but for using grief’s energies to help you grow and transform as we tune in to the “end of the rainbow” and access our built-in neural healing network and let it guide us into wholeness and peace of mind.

Note: I had never seen the photo attached to this article until a few weeks after Michael’s death. I’m very clear that there are guardian angels in the rainbow rays surrounding him.

Robyn DeLong
