My Heavenly Valentine

My Heavenly Valentine

my valentine from Michael

Almost from the moment I learned of my youngest son Michael’s death, I began hearing his voice and receiving signs that made all of the difference in my ability to heal my grief and move into grace.  “To live in a state of grace means to be fully in tune with your spiritual nature and a higher power that sustains you.”  I pulled this quote from a book entitled, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules, by Cherie Carter-Scott.  This definition of grace caught my heart, as the title to my own book is “From Grief to Grace…A Mother’s Journey.”

On 2/11, I had couple of heavenly valentines from my beloved angel son.  First, I noticed what looked like a tiny heart on the floor in my bedroom.  When I looked more closely, it was a piece of folded paper.  I smiled, said, “Hello Michael,” and headed for my shower.  Next, as I was pulling a camisole shirt out of my armoire, I noticed a blinking colored light in a small cardboard box on the corner bottom shelf.  It’s my little “junk box” where I keep my various Rotary pins, safety pins, buttons, and other “collectibles.”  I lifted the piece of fabric that I stick my Rotary pins into, curious to see what in the world the blinking was all about.  A golden heart pin popped out and landed right at my feet.  I do not remember this heart pin, where it came from, or how it ended up in my box of pins and buttons.  I laughed and said “I love you, Michael.”

Still puzzled by this flashing colored light coming from under the pins, I started digging and found a small metal cylinder inside of a tiny plastic bag, just flashing madly in multiple colors, like one of those squeeze rings made out of rubber.  However, it wasn’t a squeeze ring, and turning it off wasn’t so easy.  Several minutes later, after much scrutiny under a bright lamp with my cheater glasses, I finally figured out that turning it off required a quarter turn of the top.  And, if I didn’t turn it far enough, the blinking would stop for a moment and then start up again.  Clearly it wasn’t a matter of bumping it on or off.

An Early Valentine from Heaven

As far as I’m concerned, Michael just gave me my Happy Valentine three days early.  When I took the time to closely examine the heart, I could see a raised engraving of a small hand reaching from the top right down to a larger hand reaching up from the lower left and both are touching a tiny heart in the middle.  If I had not been tuned in and open to messages from my son, all of this would have been missed.  I am so grateful that I began paying attention to signs from Michael the moment I knew he had passed.  It has made all the difference.

Living in a State of Grace

I believe my own sense of grace comes from paying attention to the magical and mystical each moment that I can remember to do so.  It is the mystery and joy that sustains me as I walk this journey as an “angel mom,” my term for those of us who have angel children who have passed from this physical world.


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