Tuning in

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Since the death of my youngest son in 2013, I have written and published a book called From Grief to Grace…A Mother’s Journey Within moments of hearing the words over the phone that no parent should ever have to hear, that my precious 36-year-old Michael was “gone,” I began having moments when I could sense his energy with me, even through the tsunami of grief that was crashing and flooding over me.

Today is 18 months and a eleven days since receiving that phone call.  I realize that staying connected to Michael helped me create a joyful new normal.  I have no special psychic abilities.  I’m not a medium.  I’m a mom who dearly loves her three sons, and now one of them is no longer physically here in a body.

As I’ve read about and studied afterlife communications, I’m finding that all of us have the ability to tune in to our departed loved ones.  Michael is, for me, now an angel that I know by name.  I’ve discovered much along this journey from grief to grace, from pain to peace.  I learned what worked and what didn’t.

Tuning in to the higher frequencies of the heavenly or angelic realm requires an awareness and belief that it is possible, a willingness to listen and use our inner senses, and paying attention to signs, symbols, and synchronicities.

Michael awakens me in the morning with song and touches my soul with joy throughout the day. Here is a poem from my book that I wrote about the process of tuning in, not only to those who have passed from our sight, but also to those who are still traveling this mysterious path and sharing our human experience.  Michael’s death made me even more aware of how precious each day is and the importance of letting our loved ones know we are paying attention.


Tuning In


 I remember dials on radios

Automobile dashboards with big numbers

Turning the knob to tune in

To line up the dial with the call number

To pick up the signal

In a car, driving across country

Finding a signal then losing it to static

Then looking for another

In the desert

Through the mountains

Along the highways from here to there

Tuning in

Grateful to find a signal

My heart tunes in to frequencies as well

I listen and receive and respond and scan for the signals

Signals from my precious son in another dimension

Signals from those still here with me

My connections to those I love and

To those I have perhaps tuned out

My heart scans the frequencies and chooses

I listen

I speak

I write

I wonder

And I am grateful for the ability to tune in.

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