I love this short essay by Albert Einstein. First of all, it makes me address a fundamental question about my “come from” place. I don’t know from this essay, what Einstein himself believes, but I know my answer for me is “yes.” I want to believe that is also where he stood as well. I…
The Healing Power of Journaling
When the news of my youngest son’s death slammed into my heart on July 25, 2013, it didn’t take long before I turned to my journal for help and healing. I’ve been journaling consistently since 1983 as a way of processing in the moment what was happening in my life as well as what I…
My Heavenly Valentine
My Heavenly Valentine Almost from the moment I learned of my youngest son Michael’s death, I began hearing his voice and receiving signs that made all of the difference in my ability to heal my grief and move into grace. “To live in a state of grace means to be fully in tune with your…
When Your Heart is Broken
This morning, as I caught up on my Facebook friends and their musings, I read a comment from a man who said “So what do you trust when your heart is broken? We trust our mind which is full of doubt. I’m screwed!” I was on a site called “Project Happiness” which I found by…
Bringing You Home for the Last Time
Michael’s passing felt like a meteor crashing into my heart, creating a bottomless crater of pain the size of which I had never felt. I had no place for this new reality. A crater colliding with my known world, a force I could not control, and an impact I could not make space for. A…
Tuning in
Since the death of my youngest son in 2013, I have written and published a book called From Grief to Grace…A Mother’s Journey. Within moments of hearing the words over the phone that no parent should ever have to hear, that my precious 36-year-old Michael was “gone,” I began having moments when I could sense…
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